Zinc Nutrition Make Men Greng

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Zinc Nutrition Make Men Greng

Discussion about problems of sexuality is always interesting. As well as on the role of nutrients zinc (Zn) for the health of the reproductive system of males. How would the adequacy of nutrients that can make a man increasingly greng? The mineral zinc in the body of an adult number of environment 2, 2 gr, spread in all the agencies, especially in the skin, hair, nails, eyes, as well as the prostate gland. Beyond that, there is also a mineral zinc in the liver, bone, and blood in the womb. Although small in number, roles and benefits in the health of the body.


Because nutrients zinc participated in various biological systems all the cells and tissues. The benefits of Nutrients SengFungsi as well as the role of zinc in the body including help making some genetic material of cells, formation of red blood cells (hemoglobin), and helping some of the functions of the pancreas in the digestive system. Zinc is also involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, vitamin A take off from KeflavĂ­k to the active form, and thus dampen violence free radicals.    Nutrients zinc can change behavior as well as the power of learning, strengthen immunity, benefits system needed in the treatment of wounds, as well as the sensitivity of the sensory taster. In terms of reproduction, the mineral zinc can not be ignored because it is so needed in the production of sperm, changes in the fetus, as well as growing flower child. Due to KekuranganBila deficiency of zinc takes place, a wide range of benefits it above so it can lead to a fatal ambush as well.


For example, a zinc shortage would disrupt the system formation of sperm as well as changes in the primary and secondary sex organs in males. Lack of nutrients that zinc in men result in a reduced benefit testicular (testicular hypofunction) who are at risk on the disruption of spermatogenesis system as well as the production of testosterone by the Leydig cells of some. Testosterone hormone change namely the libido as well as signs of secondary male sex. Reportedly, shortage of nutrients zinc would result in damage to the changes as well as the benefits of the reproductive organs of men/male in animals as well as humans. In experiments on animals by giving low-zinc diet (2 ppm) during 20-24 weeks resulted in the destruction of the changes as well as testicular sperm formation system to a halt.


Therefore, man's natural erection problems as well as barren of them trigger strong supposed i.e. zinc mineral deficiencies. The results of the research undertaken ever PenelitianSuatu on 11 couples whose husband took derita oligosperma (low sperm content) as well as the content of zinc to lower sperm. They give specific amounts of zinc minerals. Finally after six bln. treatment, sperm count increased, even three pairs, one of which his wife is pregnant. In Finland, in th. 1977-shaped research carried out in a number of specific granting of zinc in 10 couples that her husband took derita oligosperma and thought barren. Finally, after 4-8 weeks of treatment when you show the amount of sperm and testosterone content increased. In New York City (1979) a number of 20 couples who thought her husband was barren (infertile) in the know low sperm zinc and impulse (motility) sperm, too slow. They give zinc supplements with specific content, in fact after two MTHS. the treatment ultimately grew sperm motility: the positive as well as the three couples, one of which his wife is a successful pregnancy.


Research result Ralf Henkel et. Al (1999), and other researchers from the Center of Dermatology and Andrology, Juicetus Leibeg University in Giessen Germany, show if in each time ejaculation, sperm spray several large zinc present in the liquid sperm (seminal plasma). Sperm fluid is coming from the prostate, therefore zinc also ensure some prostate function.


Outside of that, the main act in fact zinc in ensuring the maturity and the motility of the sperm. So, the amount of the increase, with the exception of nutrients zinc is also required in the system as well as the maturation of sperm movement elusiveness. Sperm motility following which ensure strength of sperm reaching the egg and penetrates the cell wall (ovaries) in system conception. According the same AnjuranMeskipun the role of nutrients in health primary zinc body and reproductive system, konsumsinya must be in the amount suggested. Under normal conditions or healthy, the amount recommended for a grown man a number of 15 mg/hari, women are 12 mg/hari.


For the benefit of therapy or healing a weak desire as well as reproductive health, that sort of thing should be asked first with doctor expert. For, if too excess, consuming zinc poisoning, causing irritation of the channel cerna, vomiting, and even death. Safe step gain nutrients zinc that is by consumption of foods rich in zinc. High sengnya content of foods include Mussel oyster, beef, liver, as well as the Spice/seasoning food (spices). A good food source i.e. cheddar cheese, crab, young goat meat, peanuts, as well as farm animals.


Beyond that, there are also some food items which would hinder the absorption of zinc in the body, i.e. the high content of calcium, fitat acid, and copper minerals. Therefore, consume foods this barrier takes the number of reduced and frekwensinya. For the health of the reproductive system, the man must also stop smoking, drinking alcohol, psychotropic drugs/medications and narcotics. To the already married, harmony and intimacy of the emotional tangle must always guarded as well as in the note.


Perkuatlah some things which would consolidate itself and stay away from all the things that would ruin it. Work for health control by means of periodical medical experts as well as exercising regularly. Do not forget, do worship and pray to God so that always awarded health born as well as inner. @ Mohamad Harli Undergraduate Nutrition people as well as Family Resource IPB


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