Is Safe Blood Donor When Fasting? This is the word doctor
klik disini Is Safe Blood Donor When Fasting? This is the word doctor Jakarta, Entering the third week of Ramadan, the amount of blood stock in PMI decreased. This is because the number of donors is reduced, with the reason of being fasted. In fact, doctors express fasting when donors are actually okay. The important thing, the physical condition is healthy and fit. Note also the right donor time. According to the specialist heart and blood vessels National Heart Center Hospital Harapan Kita, Dr. Isman Firdaus, SpJP, MD, blood donors should be done in the afternoon. This is to be closer to breaking the fast. Read also: Third Week of Fasting, PMI Blood Supply Begins Decreasing Fasting will not interfere with fasting, which is important to make sure the condition of the body healthy. When fasting blood is taken also usually not much, a maximum of 300 cc. It is important to support blood stock in PMI, said Dr. Isman to detikHealth.Yang worth noting, before the donor make sure your o...